Treatment for atopic dermatitis depends on the type and severity of the rash you have. Most mild cases can be treated from the comfort of your own home with moisturizers, especially skin barrier repair moisturizers. Most of the time, with preventative care included, the rash and itching can be...
Dupixent is now available across Canada for adult patients that live with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD). Persons living with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis can use Dupixent to treat their symptoms. AD is a form of eczema. The condition causes chronic inflammation of the skin, which often appears as a rash. A moderate-to-severe case...
Eczema is a fairly common ailment that produces rashes that are itchy, red, and dry. The condition is more prevalent in infants and young children but can persist into adulthood. This is no cure for eczema, but there are treatment options for when flare-ups do occur. Also, patients must avoid...
Eczema can be tricky to treat. Most of the time, it is caused by an underlying condition, so eliminating the symptoms doesn’t always fix the root problem. Clearing the symptoms can also be a tricky job as it can take multiple rounds of therapy. Home remedies are recommended for mild...
Atopic dermatitis, a common form of eczema, is a persistent condition which causes itchy rashes due to a person’s skin’s inability to retain moisture. The condition is not contagious but is fairly common as 20% of the world’s population suffers from it. Atopic dermatitis symptoms can vary from unnoticeable...
Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of skin conditions that cause patches of irritated, dry, and itchy skin. Atopic dermatitis is known as the most common prevalent form of eczema which is a term used interchangeably with eczema. Atopic dermatitis typically sets in during infancy and may...
Eczema causes a skin reaction and has numerous subtypes. The reaction usually appears as plaques of red, bumpy skin with pus-filled sores. When the blisters break open, they may also ooze pus. In cases of chronic eczema, instead of blistering, the skin becomes hardened, bumpy, and scaly. There are over 10...
Eczema is a common skin condition that results in the appearance of red, inflamed, dry, and itchy patches of skin. The reaction is typically marked by red, bumpy plaques with fluid-filled blisters. When the blisters break open, the affected skin can ooze pus. In chronic eczema, the blisters are less...
Eczema is an itchy reaction produced by the skin in a number of diseases. The reaction pattern consists of a red elevated plaque with red fluid-filled blisters. When the blisters break, the affected skin will weep and ooze. In chronic eczema, the blisters are less prominent and the skin...
The basis of treatment for atopic dermatitis is to supply dry and inflamed skin with enough moisture. Atopic dermatitis is also often called eczema. Atopic dermatitis can be hereditary and typically develops in children more than adults. Eczema can be treated at home with fragrance-free moisturizers/ointments and keeping the skin hydrated....
Hand eczema and dermatitis are extremely common conditions. When an individual has dermatitis on their hands, it makes parts their skin itchy, dry, scaly and cracked. This condition can be extremely disabling and painful. Indeed, it plagues individuals in all professions but is most common in professions that wash their...
When one experiences atopic dermatitis, they can sometimes get some relief relying on at-home remedies. Most doctor visits can cost you hundreds of dollars and you only spend all of five minutes with the physician. If you catch it early enough, you can effectively ease your symptoms with at-home strategies....
Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin that affects infants and children. It can affect adults, but it adults suffer from atopic dermatitis are typically those who developed the condition in childhood. For years, the only available topical treatment was the use of over-the-counter, low-dose steroids or corticosteroids...
Atopic dermatitis can be extremely tricky to treat. It is most often reveals itself in babies and children. An individual may inherit the condition genetically, but most often it is a result of a food allergy. Treatment for atopic dermatitis must be persistent. Most often various treatments are necessary...
What are biologics? Biologics or biologic drugs use human DNA to treat some immune system diseases. Biologic drugs are genetically engineered medications containing proteins that are derived from living tissues or cells which have been cultured in a laboratory. Biologics can be taken through the skin (subcutaneously) or through...
If you’ve exhausted all options of home remedies to ease your eczema symptoms, such as moisturizers and over-the-counter creams, don’t lose hope. Other treatments are available to soothe your skin and get your symptoms in check. Steroids: If you’re currently experiencing a severe eczema flare-up, your doctor may prescribe a steroid...