• Bacterial vs. Viral: Know The Differenct Kinds Of Meningitis

    Meningitis is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It is this swelling of the meninges that causes the symptoms associated with the condition: headaches, fever, stiff neck, etc. Depending on the cause of the infection, the condition may get better...
  • Can Psychedelic Drugs Benefit Depression And Anxiety?

    Psychedelic drugs are drugs that are psychoactive and primarily change the brain’s thought processes. Most of the psychedelic drugs are said to disable the filters that suppress the signals, which are related to each day’s functions from getting to the conscious mind. These kinds of drugs have been used...
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis Explained

    Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic disorder resulting from an inflammation of the membranes or tissues that line the joints, typically in the hands and feet, that generally develops in an individual between the ages of forty and sixty. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis can destroy the cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and...
  • What Are the Causes and Risk Factors of Pancreatic Cancer?

    It is still unknown exactly what causes most cases of pancreatic cancers. However, some risk factors have been linked to an increased chance of being diagnosed with the disease. Recent research has shown that some of these risk factors, such as smoking or heavy drinking, can affect the DNA...
  • Everything You Need to Know About COPD

    COPD defined Have you ever become out of breath walking a few meters? Or wanted to try out for the hockey team but were afraid of becoming a panting outcast? Want to play hopscotch with your kids but can’t manage more than a few jumps without finding yourself absolutely...
  • Is This ‘Manly’ Behavior Shortening Your Lifespan?

    The concept of masculinity has long been championed among men throughout their process of growth and when they finally attain adulthood. ‘Manly’ behavior is often associated with strength and strongly rids itself of any form of weakness such as ill health. As such, the traditional macho man has been...
  • What You Should Know About OAB

    Suffering from an overactive bladder (OAB) can be upsetting, disappointing and additionally humiliating. OAB alludes to an issue in the bladder that causes it  to contract before it is full, bringing about a sudden desire to urinate, which could prompt the accidental loss of urine. With the right diagnosis,...
  • Life Threatening Allergies

    Allergies are caused by a hypersensitive immune system that flags an otherwise harmless substance in the environment as if it were a disease-causing organism. When your immune system overreacts in this way, it sets off a chain of events with a goal of saving your life from a harmful...
  • Metastatic Mouth Cancer Treatments

    After a patient has been diagnosed with mouth cancer and the cancer is staged, the doctor will talk about treatment options. According to the cancer type and stage, one may undergo one type of treatment or a series of cancer treatments. Also, based on the stage and location of...
  • Medication to Treat Hep C

    Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection primarily causes inflammation of the liver and can eventually lead to liver problems, which includes cancer. If you have HCV, you will need medication to treat it and avoid potential health complications. These drugs will diminish the symptoms of the virus and strengthen your immune...
  • Mold Allergy Treatment

    Mold Allergy Treatment

    A mold allergy attack can be life threatening when it isn’t treated in a timely manner. What’s more is that it needs to be treated effectively. That leads many people to wonder what the best mold allergy treatment actually is, or what kind of side effects they may have....
  • Osteoporosis Symptoms and Best Treatment

    What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is  common in older adults, where decreased bone density might eventually lead to bone fractures. From the Greek that literally means “bone porosity”, it is believed that about 200 million people suffer from it. More commonly seen in geriatric patients in their 70s and 80s...
  • What Are The Symptoms Of Pulmonary Hypertension?

    Pulmonary hypertension is a disease that can kill. It is known to have an affect on the arteries that connect the heart through to the lungs. These particular blood vessels will gradually become smaller. This means that blood pressure will increase. As a result, this will cause more stress...
  • Being Pregnant And Dealing With Depression

    Receiving the news that you are pregnant is supposed to make you radiate with joy. However, for many women this may not be the case, and such communication often leads them to depression. Pregnancy is often portrayed as one of the happiest stages in a female’s life. In TV...
  • 12 Rheumatoid Arthritis Signs and Symptoms

    While the signs of rheumatoid arthritis can seem hidden and unnoticeable, they may be more visible than you might think. Although there are indeed rheumatoid arthritis signs that some people might not be able to pick up on, there are still plenty of other symptoms that you’ll be able to...
  • Could a Vaccine Eventually Prevent High Cholesterol?

    For proper functioning, your body requires lipids, also known as cholesterol which is produced by the liver or contained in some foods. Cholesterol on its own doesn’t cause any health symptoms, though in excess it could cause complications like heart disease. To move around the body, cholesterol combines with proteins,...
  • The Symptoms of COPD

    The symptoms and signs of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) include a heavy wheezing cough or a cough that brings forth large amounts of mucus (often called smoker’s cough); shortness of breath, especially with sports and chest tightness. Some of the symptoms and signs of COPD are identical to...
  • bph drugs, bph treatment, prostate exam, prostate cancer

    3 More Terrifying Things Than a Prostate Exam

    Going to the doctor for a prostate exam can cause men quite a bit of anxiety and dread. Unfortunately, this may cause men to put off or completely avoid this potentially life-saving procedure. Reasons for shunning a prostate exam may include feelings of embarrassment; fear of physical discomfort; or...
  • Acid Reflux: What Are The Treatments

    The treatment for acid reflux will depend on what the cause was for each individual. There are a wide range of treatment options that can be used. These options will help control the acid reflux and heartburn that the individual experiences. If it continues to flare up, the treatment...
  • 6 Tasty Diabetes-Friendly Recipes

    Diabetes is a condition where the amount of sugar in your blood is in excess because your pancreas doesn’t have enough to regulate the glucose level entering your blood cells or the produced doesn’t function well. You can manage diabetes well by healthy eating habits combined with regular exercises...
  • hemophilia treatments

    Hemophilia Treatments

    Hemophilia is a rare condition where the blood does not clot normally due to lack of sufficient blood clotting factors. It is genetic and has no known cure. There are however solutions to help one live a fairly normal life. Treatment with replacement therapy This works by dripping concentrates...
  • Relapsed Multiple Myeloma

    Relapsed Multiple Myeloma

    A relapsed myeloma—also known as a recurrent myeloma—is when a cancer mass regrows after treatment. A relapse may also occur while a patient is in remission. Since multiple myeloma does not have a cure, it is likely that, at some point in time, a patient will relapse. When a patient...
  • What Does Your Skin Rash Mean?

    Have you ever experienced skin rashes? If yes, you already know how problematic and painful they can be. But they are not so simple to be ignored. There may be different causes and symptoms related to them. Your skin rash can be one of many types, from scalp psoriasis...
  • Symptoms And Signs Of Ovarian Cancer

    Cancer, irrespective of its type, is one of the deadly diseases challenging mankind. Despite a lot of research and billions of dollars spent, cancer is continuing to be one of the leading causes of death throughout the world. Among various types of cancers that affect women, ovarian cancer causes...
  • Signs Of Mental Illness

    For many of us, mental illness seems like something foreign and that has led to a lack of seriousness in dealing with the issue. It should be noted that more than 54 million people suffer from mental disorders in the US alone. This is an estimated 15% of the...
  • All You Need to Know About Arthritis

    You’ll often hear older adults complaining about aching and soreness in their joints, even when doing tasks that don’t seem that strenuous. Medical experts estimate that nearly 50% of seniors get a diagnosis with a form of arthritis, making it a condition directly associated with aging. While it can...
  • Lung Cancer Treatment Options

    Lung cancer is a type of disease that starts in the small tissue of the lung. In many cases, it begins by forming in cells that are lining a person’s air passages. Lung cancer comes in two different forms known as small and non-small cell. In order to diagnose...
  • Diagnosing COPD

    COPD is commonly misdiagnosed — former smokers are often told they have COPD when in reality they have another less common lung condition. Likewise, many persons who truly do have COPD aren’t diagnosed until the disease is far advanced and interventions are less effective. Tests If you have symptoms...
  • How To Treat Deep Vein Thrombosis

    Deep vein thrombosis is a condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in the legs. This condition sometimes develops when you don’t move for a long period of time, such as after surgery or an accident when you...
  • Are Your Blood Sugar Levels Normal

    Knowing about normal blood sugar levels is key, it is critical that you see how this is important as it can be extremely perilous. The centralization of glucose in your bloodstream is known as blood glucose level (BGL) or otherwise called blood sugar level. Your glucose level ought to...
  • Symptoms Of Colon Cancer – What You Need To Know

    Colon Cancer is the third most common cancer in men after lung and prostate cancer according to the reports from the National Cancer Institute. The reports also find it to be the fourth most common cancer in women after lung, breast and cervical cancer. The symptoms are normally very...
  • 4 Types of Multiple Sclerosis and Treatment Options

    Multiple sclerosis — more popularly known as MS — is an unpredictable and often disabling disease affecting the central nervous system by disrupting the flow of blood between the brain and the body and within the brain itself. Clinically isolated syndrome is the first neurologic symptom patients experience that...
  • Pomalidomide multiple myeloma Treatment

    Multiple Myeloma Treatment

    Patients with advanced multiple myeloma (MM) whose disease has worsened after multiple lines of therapy have a poor prognosis and very few treatment options available to them. The median survival time for these patients is nine months. The combination of () and low-dose may help some patients if their...
  • The Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease

    Generally, Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible brain disorder that progressively interferes with a person’s memory and thinking capabilities. The disease affects people differently. Here are some the common early signs you need to watch for. Difficulty in handling and completing daily tasks Are you having problems in completing tasks...
  • What Is Gum Disease?

    Today, several adults have a certain form of gum disease. Gum diseases are commonly known as a periodontal diseases that affect the tissues and bones surrounding the teeth. Gum diseases range from plain gum inflammations to a severe infection, resulting into damages to the bone and tissues which sustain...
  • Can Electronic Therapies Help With Your Depression?

    Depression is not just a once-in-awhile, temporary bad mood — it is a constant feeling of worthlessness, unhappiness and complete disinterest in the desire to engage in regular, pleasurable life activities. Ordinarily, depression is usually treated with drugs, talk therapy or both. Sometimes drugs and talk therapy fail, forcing one...
  • Bacterial Meningitis Vaccinations

    Meningococcal disease is caused by a bacteria strain known as Neisseria Meningitidis. This bacteria is one of the leading causes of bacterial meningitis in children between the ages of 2-18. You can protect your child by getting them the meningitis vaccine. There are two different meningococcal diseases: Meningitis: a...
  • Lung Cancer Survival Rates And Life Expectancy

    Lung cancer is cancer that begins in the lungs. The lungs are located in the chest and are responsible for taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, when cancer grows in these organs, it is a very serious disease. In fact, lung cancer is the leading cause of...
  • Could Miscarriage Be Caused By Coffee?

    So, it might seem like the occasional morning espresso is harmless during the nine months of your pregnancy. And who knows, maybe you weren’t even aware you were pregnant for the first few months of it! And that’s okay. A recent study shows that while the one-in-a-while coffee isn’t...
  • treatment of deep vein thrombosis

    Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis

    Deep vein thrombosis, commonly abbreviated “DVT,” is a condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs. DVT is a serious condition because if a blood clot in your vein breaks loose, it can travel through...
  • What Is Dialysis?

    To understand the meaning of this term, it is important to know the functions of the kidney. The primary role of this vital organ in the body is to remove waste products through the process of filtering them from the system. This process is what is commonly known as...
  • The Stages of Colon Cancer

    Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, involves the growth of one or more tumors in the large intestine and rectum. As colorectal cancer is both preventable and treatable, it is important to recognize the symptoms: A change of bowel habits Blood in the stool Diarrhea, constipation, or a feeling that...
  • What Treatments Are Available for Arthritis-Based Shoulder Pain?

    Shoulder pain should ideally be resolved using simple medication, however if these ones fail to work, other treatments are available and can be administered by a doctor. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy Most shoulder pains can be resolved via physiotherapy. A physiotherapist will assess ones condition and put together a...
  • LIVALO lowering ldl cholesterol

    LIVALO lowering ldl cholesterol

    A balanced, healthy diet and regular exercise are extremely important when trying to manage cholesterol levels. If diet and exercise do not improve your overall cholesterol levels quick enough, intervention may be needed. Your doctor may prescribe you a statin, like . is a statin medication that can improve...
  • The Meaning Of Cord Blood And Why It’s Special

    After a baby is born and the umbilical cord is cut, some blood remains in the blood vessels of the placenta and the portion of the umbilical cord that remains attached to it. After birth, the baby no longer needs this extra blood. This blood is called a placental...
  • Medical Treatments For MS

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially unpredictable, disabling disease that affect the brain and the central nervous system, which is made up by the brain and spinal cord. Normally, the disease causes disruption to the information flow within the brain and between body and the brain. The cause of...
  • How To Treat Depression: Advanced Methods

    Chronic stress associated with modern lifestyle has led to rising incidences of depression, especially among the adolescents. Depression results from imbalanced neurotransmitters level in the brain. Neurotransmitters are the chemical mediators which help different brain cells communicate with each other. Serotonin, which is chemically a monoamine, is the main...
  • Meningitis Vaccine

    Meningitis is a disease that occurs when the meninges (coverings of the brain) become inflamed. The disease is caused by a bacterial or viral infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and the spinal cord. The disease causes symptoms such as intense pain, sensitivity to light, convulsions, fever, stiff neck,...
  • Symptoms, Causes and Treatments of Lung Cancer

    Lung cancer is a type of disease that starts in the small tissue of the lung. In many cases, it begins by forming in cells that are lining a person’s air passages. Lung cancer comes in two different forms known as small and non-small cell. In order to diagnose...
  • What is a Pulmonary Embolism?

    Pulmonary embolism is a blockage of a pulmonary artery, which is a blood vessel in the lung. Pulmonary arteries bring deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs, and this allows oxygen to be absorbed by the blood. Given the role of these arteries, pulmonary...