Do you know anyone who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Perhaps you’ve seen a friend or relative show extreme hyperactivity or inability to focus on a single train of thought, and wondered if maybe they have a condition. ADHD affects at least 9% of school-aged children in the U.S., and an alarming number of parents have yet to understand the symptoms of the condition, much less the causes. However, a less known fact is that some people with ADHD are not diagnosed until they are adults! While their struggles with Attention Deficit Disorder are still present, the signs are less obvious on an external level.
So here is everything you need to know about ADHD:
The symptoms occur in three groups:
- Inattention
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsivity
Learn more about each of these symptoms in order to get a clearer picture of the condition, so that way diagnosis can be made early enough.

Source: Additude
Both children and adults may show signs of inattention at work, school, or in social situations. The person might make it a habit to procrastinate, not complete homework, assignments or other tasks, or constantly shift from one activity to another.
Other notable effects may include:
- Lack of focus
- A tendency to be disorganized
- Difficulty noting small details and a general propensity to make the most obvious mistakes
- Forgetfulness in daily routine; for instance, forgetting to bring lunch, or missing planned appointments
- Distraction- being easily distracted by trivial events or noises that other people find innocuous
Hyperactivity may vary with age, but it is a lot more noticeable in preschoolers. For many people with Attention Deficit Disorder, the symptoms start to show before middle school. Kids with hyperactivity may show the following:
- Severe fidgeting and squirming when seated
- Restlessness, and a tendency to run around and climb a lot when not appropriate
- Trouble being alone and doing quiet activity
- Excessive prattling
- Always “on the go’’
Toddlers and preschoolers are especially notorious for always being in motion, jumping on furniture and having a hard time participating in activities that require them to sit still- like for instance listening to a story.

Source: HealthTap
The most notable symptoms include:
- Impatience
- Trouble staying silent or suppressing reactive emotion
- Difficulty waiting for one’s turn
- Frequent interruption when others are talking- this may start to cause social problems at work, home, or at school
- Starting conversation at the most inappropriate times
If not checked, impulsivity may lead to accidents, like banging into people or knocking over objects. Children with ADHD may also endanger themselves and others around them by doing risky things without a moment to consider the consequences: e.g., climbing up dangerous places or throwing things.
Some of these symptoms may happen once in a while in all youngsters, but in children with ADHD they happen frequently, both at home and in school. This constant goofing around might also challenge the child’s ability to function properly, solve problems, and develop at the same rate as their peers.
Health experts typically check for behavior that is particularly excessive or that is not consistent with the person’s age. The person also has to display some of the symptoms mentioned above: at least six, and in more than one setting; i.e., at work/school, and at home.
Generally, hyperactivity tends to diminish with age, but inattention carries on into adulthood. There are treatments, but some 20-30% of people with ADHD have learning problems that current treatments may not be able to address.
As they grow older, individuals who’ve had ADHD since childhood may experience periods of anxiety and depression, and when in high-stress situations, such as work or school, symptoms may worsen, increasing the likelihood of dropping out of school. It is important to get professional help earlier on, before the condition gets too severe.
Adults with ADHD may:
- Experience great difficulty in organizational tasks
- Be frequently distracted while driving, leading to motor vehicle accidents
- Have a hard time performing or focusing in a busy office
- Be not punctual
- Have angry outbursts/tantrums
However, these symptoms are similar to various other conditions that adults face, such as depression or other mental health issues. Regardless, it is important to seek professional help when necessary.
Sourced from: WebMD
Photo: Thinkstock