type 2 diabetes treatment options

  • How You Can Manage Your Diabetes

    A diagnosis of diabetes can have a great impact on your life, changing the way that you can live. However, it does not have to be the end of the world. But how can you manage your diabetes? With simple changes, especially to your diet, you can help to...
  • 6 Tasty Diabetes-Friendly Recipes

    Diabetes is a condition where the amount of sugar in your blood is in excess because your pancreas doesn’t have enough to regulate the glucose level entering your blood cells or the produced doesn’t function well. You can manage diabetes well by healthy eating habits combined with regular exercises...
  • 6 Ways Bad Sleep Makes You More Likely To Develop Type 2 Diabetes

    New research has now shown that lack of sleep is linked to type 2 diabetes. The research also indicates that people who have diabetes have problems when sleeping. Such issues include not falling asleep easily or problems shutting their eyes at night. Perhaps you have been experiencing this and you...
  • The Insider’s Guide To Diabetes And Leg Pain

    For many aging people, pain, cramping or tiredness in legs while walking or climbing stairs may not sound as symptoms of a serious medical condition. In fact, the majority of people believe that they are normal signs of aging. Nevertheless, they can be symptoms of a form of nerve...
  • Diabetes and Your Feet

    According to the CDC, an astounding 29 million people across the United States suffer from diabetes, and another 86 million suffer from pre-diabetes. In Canada, over 3.4 million are affected by the disease. To make things worse, hundreds of millions in healthcare costs accrue each year as a result...
  • Putting Together Your Diabetes Diet To Make It Work

    Diabetes is a condition that has become the focus of many health experts. Be that as it may, the fact that this condition is caused as a result of sedentary lifestyles makes it easier for it to be managed. One such way is following a diabetes diet. The essence of this...
  • Useful Tips For Managing Your Diabetes

    Did you know that over 18 million adults and children in the United States have been diagnosed with diabetes? Common signs and symptoms of diabetes include: Always needing to urinate Always being thirsty Unexplained weight gain or weight loss Fatigue Prone to infections Slow healing of minor injuries (cuts,...