Good Credit

  • Top 11 Ways To Improve Your Credit Score Quickly

    The National Foundation for Credit Counseling recently held a survey that shows people are less likely to be embarrassed by their weight (12%) than by their credit scores (30%). And just like with dieting, a focus on improving your credit score (the health of your credit), can give you...
  • Everything You Need To Know About FICO® Scores

    What is a FICO® Score? A FICO® Score determines the available credit, as well as the guidelines with which credit is given, such as interest rates. It helps the lender determine the risk involved with lending you money. FICO® Scores are calculated from the credit reports from specific agencies....
  • Credit Repair Checklist

    So you’re determined to fix your credit. Good for you! A better life lies within your reach. Follow this easy-to-understand checklist to help guide you on your journey towards a high credit score. Step 1: Get a copy of your credit report The first and most important step to...
  • 9 Advantages Of A Good FICO® Score

    Bad credit is one of those things that you can live with. It most likely won’t ruin your life and you will find ways to work around it. Still, there are some major and money-saving benefits to having a good FICO® Score.  9. Lower interest rates on all your...