Paternal postnatal depression in not a new phenomenon, although awareness of it is. More light has been shed on this in recent times thanks to increasing social acceptance of men’s emotions. Similar to the feelings that new mothers so often go experience following birth, men’s postpartum depression can strongly...
The odds are sadly in favor of the fact that you or someone you love is dealing with depression and alcohol use. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that nearly 14 million people in the United States are currently suffering from the disease; that rounds out to a...
The web has always shown us all new ways to connect as well as share. It has been a revolution in terms of connecting us whether with friends across the globe or with long lost family! It has given us a means of sharing our great moments with our loved...
An important step on the road to recovery is finding the right depression treatment centers to consider. Understanding the types of programs that are available will help you choose the option that best suits your situation. Selecting a depression rehab program that is tailored to your needs is a...
In today’s world, the usage of birth control methods is at an all time high. However, according to the research conducted by neuro-scientists at UCLA, the usage of oral contraception cam lead to the shrinking of some parts of the brain resulting in depression. You might not be aware that...
Each day, many people experience a myriad of emotions – from joy to sorrow. However, some people experience feelings like grief and sadness for extended spells. When these spells of intense sadness last for several weeks, they can make the individual feel worthless and helpless. Medical experts term this...
Mental health is as important as any other aspect of well-being. However, many people tend to disregard this fact. Depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are the most common disorders. With the creation of a new screening tool, you will be able to detect disorders early enough and...
Treating your depression symptoms in the short term is important for improving your mood and quality of life, but it is also important to treat depression symptoms to benefit your long term health. By seeking treatment for your depression now, you can protect your long term physical and mental...
Firstly, depression medication options patients have in managing the disorder’s symptoms usually consist of antidepressants. And besides their use in managing depression, antidepressants also work for conditions that have strong links to depression. For instance, someone who suffers from Bipolar Disorder may also be put on antidepressants along with...
We all know someone who has suffered, or still is suffering from depression. While many underestimate the power of this disease, those who have seen it affect someone they care about will definitely tell you otherwise. Emotional pain is just as real as physical pain and mental health issues...
Before knowing how to deal with treatment-resistant depression, it is important to know what depression really is. It is true that every person gets down at a given from time to time, but when sadness lasts up to two –or even more –weeks, it may exhibit clinical depression. It’s very...
Depression is not about being unhappy. It is a lot more than that. You feel hopeless, doubtful and worthless. You don’t enjoy anything, not even what you enjoyed in the past. Sufferers have described the disease as being entirely numb. It is not always easy to get out of...
When it comes to what you can do to help loved ones with depression there are several things one can do to help them get through this time of their life. One of them is being open and talking about depression. Family members or closest friends are the ones who...
The as a matter of first importance thing to acknowledge when trying to treat your depression is that you are not powerless. You can pick the best kind of treatment for yourself and be educated of what’s accessible to you. The initial step while having depression it to converse...
Each life has its ups and downs. In any case, when the “ups” are too high and the “downs” are too low, and the swing between the two is excessively unexpected, bipolar disorder may be the diagnosis. Bipolar disorder, otherwise called hyper-depression, is a temperament disorder that causes behaviors,...
Children are good observers who quickly learn what is happening around them. They are exceptionally sensitive to changes, especially when the change affects their families. A parent or guardian who monitors the daily activities but suddenly fails to inspect anything is a change that can bother a child. A...
Bipolar disorder is a mental condition characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression. This disorder can be very serious and may result in employment problems, family conflict, or even heavy substance abuse. The severe health and social impact of this condition make diagnosis and treatment incredibly important. What types...
The normal ups and downs in life mean that everyone feels sad from time to time but if despair and emptiness take a hold of your life and fail to go away, you may be suffering from depression. Depression brings mental slowness, exhaustion, feeling of hopelessness or helplessness, pains, aches,...
It seems like everyone is talking about fat these days. The news says that fat in our foods is making us unhealthy. Doctors and health shows tell us that being overweight is detrimental to our health. The media post pictures of thin, athletic celebrities, putting them on a pedestal...
Psychedelic drugs are drugs that are psychoactive and primarily change the brain’s thought processes. Most of the psychedelic drugs are said to disable the filters that suppress the signals, which are related to each day’s functions from getting to the conscious mind. These kinds of drugs have been used...
Postpartum depression is a medical condition that mainly exists in women and has a very low frequency of occurrence in men. This is a clinical depression that mainly occurs after childbirth. The condition mainly exhibits emotional symptoms in the victims. It mainly begins in the initial months after a...
For many of us, mental illness seems like something foreign and that has led to a lack of seriousness in dealing with the issue. It should be noted that more than 54 million people suffer from mental disorders in the US alone. This is an estimated 15% of the...
Can you remember when you last had a wonderful, relaxing vacation? If it has been a while, you may want to consider taking another holiday sooner than later. Why? Because taking a vacation is going to result in a better YOU- your health issues will be alleviated and you’ll...
Depression is not just a once-in-awhile, temporary bad mood — it is a constant feeling of worthlessness, unhappiness and complete disinterest in the desire to engage in regular, pleasurable life activities. Ordinarily, depression is usually treated with drugs, talk therapy or both. Sometimes drugs and talk therapy fail, forcing one...
Did you know that as your child grows, he or she undergoes various development phases? This can really make it difficult for you to distinguish whether your child is in his or her normal mood or undergoing depression. According to World Health Organization (WHO), nearly half of the mental...
Chronic stress associated with modern lifestyle has led to rising incidences of depression, especially among the adolescents. Depression results from imbalanced neurotransmitters level in the brain. Neurotransmitters are the chemical mediators which help different brain cells communicate with each other. Serotonin, which is chemically a monoamine, is the main...
Depression is something 1 out of every 10 Americans will experience at some point in their life. However, many ignore or misunderstand the signs of depression because of the myths and stigmas that surround the disorder. And the fact that some people often do not take it seriously and...