• Tooth Pain Treatment

    Tooth Pain Treatment

    Your mouth is sore and tender, your head pounds, and your gums are throbbing. You’ve got a toothache. Tooth pain can be excruciating and must be treated by a dentist immediately. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do at home to help ease the pain and get some...
  • Tooth Ache Treatment

    Tooth Ache Treatment

    Treatment of toothaches can only be carried out by a dentist or a dental professional. There are over-the-counter medications and at-home treatments that you can use to help alleviate the pain caused by toothaches. However, most of these methods only provide temporary relief. Over-the-counter medications include ibuprofen or aspirin, but...
  • Orajel Single Dose Tooth Pain Treatment

    Orajel Single Dose Tooth Pain Treatment

    Tooth pain can be annoyingly painful, particularly if you know you have to wait a while for your dentist appointment. So what can you do until then? There are a few home remedies you can use to minimize discomfort, but if you’d rather go over-the-counter, then Orajel is a...
  • Tooth Pain Relief

    Tooth Pain Relief

    Toothache is one of the most irritating aches many people experience. It permeates every aspect of life, making basic day-to-day necessities such as eating, drinking, sleeping and relaxing seem out of reach. Toothache refers to pain experienced around the mouth and jaws, and its causes are extremely varied. For...
  • Advil Tooth Pain Treatment

    Advil Tooth Pain Treatment

    Advil is a type of pain reliever that is similar to ibuprofen. A variety of Advil products are available for purchase over-the-counter. There are several different types of Advil that are available to help treat pain associated with headaches, muscle aches, and toothaches. Tooth Pain Treatment with Advil If...
  • Tooth Abscess Treatment

    Tooth Abscess Treatment

    A tooth abscess occurs when a tooth becomes infected and a pocket of pus forms around it. If you feel as though you have one, you should seek immediate attention from a dentist or an endodontist. An endodontist is a dental specialist who focuses on the treatment of dental...
  • Orajel Single Dose Tooth Pain Treatment

    Orajel Single Dose Tooth Pain Treatment

    Orajel Severe Toothache and Gum Relief Plus Triple Medicated Cream is an over-the-counter medicine to help alleviate the pain associated with toothaches or irritation of the gums. This product is said to contain more active ingredients than other products for oral pain. It has 20% Benzocaine to help alleviate pain, an astringent...
  • Tooth Pain Medication

    Tooth Pain Medication

    There are many types of medications that are available to help ease tooth pain. Some of these treatments can be purchased over-the-counter at your local drugstore. However, if your tooth pain is severe, you may have to get a prescription-strength medication from a doctor or professional healthcare provider. It is...