An irregular beating or rhythm of the heart is a serious condition known as atrial fibrillation or AFib.
Essentially, the main concern with regards to having AFib is that the condition increases your risk of having a stroke. You should be taking medications prescribed by your doctor or a professional healthcare provider to keep your AFib under control, which will also help to reduce the risk of stroke.
Treatments for AFib/Stroke
Antiarrhythmics medications can help to regulate your heartbeat.
Remember to go and see your primary physician who will be able to help assess your situation and provide you with the appropriate treatment for your condition. Your primary physician determines the dosage you need, and he or she may also start you off with a smaller dose to monitor potential side effects.
Blood thinners or anticoagulants can also help to maintain a regular heartbeat while also reducing the risk of blood clots. However, it is important to remember that the main side effect of all anticoagulants is a higher risk of bleeding. In any case, though, your doctor will be able to provide you with more information on the possible side effects of these medications and how well they may work for you.
Medications may not always work for everyone. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may have to have surgery to address the issue of AFib.
Usually, this would involve the implantation of a device known as a pacemaker near your collarbone. The pacemaker will help to regulate your heart by keeping track of your heartbeats. If there is an irregularity, the pacemaker will send an electric impulse to help regulate the heart’s beating again.
Similar to a pacemaker, an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is also surgically implanted near the collarbone. If it senses that the rate of the heartbeat has slowed down, it shocks the heart into a normal rhythm.
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