The Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) is an alternative financing structure that is meant to allow people who are up-to-date on their mortgages to stabilize their home purchase through refinancing. HARP is meant to focus on helping people who are unable to get traditional financing because of the declining...
Is it better to rent or buy a home based on cost and convenience? The only answer to this is that it really all depends on your financial situation and circumstances in life. However, for most parts, in the long run, owning a home is always much better than...
Refinancing is used as a broad term that indicates paying the costs of one loan using the gained profits from a different loan. Many people use the term refinancing to refer to a substitute of a loan, combined with the second loan for the purpose of saving money Today...
For many people in America and around the globe, owning a home is their top priority. While some people opt to save in order to meet this goal, others explore a number of other options. One of the options adopted by many people is a home loan. Apart from buying...
Fixed-rate mortgages are the most widely used form of home mortgage loans. It is a basic arrangement in which the lender calculates the principal amount, using a single interest rate, and then divides the sum equally over an agreed period of years. The most popular terms are 30-year and...
The Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) is a U.S. federal program that began in 2009. The goal of the program is to help struggling homeowners refinance their mortgages. The following is a short history of HARP and how the program continues today. The Crisis After the U.S. housing bubble...
Homeowners considering refinancing of their properties may qualify for an FHA streamlined refinance loan, cash-out refinance loan, or a no-cash refinance loan. According to FHA loan rules, applicants for a new mortgage must meet the eligibility criteria, not be the same party as the original loan, and reside on...