It is possible for patients to live with hepatitis C for years without knowing. The reason being is that some people do not present symptoms for years, similar to a majority of patients with the herpes simplex virus. So most people that are diagnosed with Hepatitis C find out that they already have a long-term, chronic infection.
In order to treat the virus, antiviral medications are necessary to prevent liver problems such as cancer or cirrhosis. These antivirals are used for 12 weeks to up to a year and seek to rid your body of the virus.
Patients who take the medicine or not will still need to have routine blood tests. Your doctor will need to monitor your liver function. Most people who decide to not have the treatment at first end up needing the treatment later on. Your doctor will then decide whether medications are the right thing for you.
Palliative care is a care for people with serious illnesses. It is different from the care you receive to cure your illness. Its goal is to improve your overall health; not just physiological health but also your spirit and mind. Palliative care aid your physicians and help you decide what treatment you want and don’t want.
A relapse or non-response to treatment happens from time to time. The decision to treat again depends on various things, including how well the first round of treatment worked.
Severe liver damage caused by hep C takes 20 or more years to develop. Advanced-stage liver failure is possible and in that case, a liver transplant may the only way to extend life.
Most individuals with chronic hep C will not die from the disease. Still, 1 in 5 out of 100 patients with severe liver damage from chronic hepatitis C will die. It is important to tell your doctor if you are experiencing any signs of depression or any other mental health issues.
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