Stool or fecal matter is usually what absorbs fluids into the intestine. When this is all combined with the inside movement of the intestine, this is what gets the fluids through without difficulty. If the fecal matter remains in the colon area for too long, or takes its time...
Going to the bathroom for a #2 can be pretty liberating. Unfortunately that is not the case for a person suffering from constipation. Constipation causes one to be in pain and/or strain during defecation. They may experience hard stools and irregular bowel movements. In children, it mostly occurs after...
It may be easy to share how much you’re suffering from your sore throat but not so easy to do the same when it comes to your digestive issues. If you haven’t relieved yourself in a few days it can start to feel like a dirty little secret. However,...
Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem. Some of the symptoms of constipation are having infrequent bowel movements, passing hard stools, or straining during bowel movements. This commonly accepted definition is easy to find anywhere on the world wide web, but what many people don’t understand is how the strain...
Constipation is the inability to have regular bowel movement. This condition can be downright inconvenient and uncomfortable for the individual experiencing it. If you have difficult or irregular bowel movements, chances are you have constipation. Fortunately, it is a condition which can be easily treated. Nearly everyone experiences constipation...
Constipation is a disorder whereby bowel movements become difficult. Most people experiencing this tend to go for laxatives or fiber. However, they forget that there is a way, free from adding drugs to your body that can perfectly treat constipation without any side effects. This method is called Poop...
There are several different reasons why you may be suffering from chronic constipation disease. It can be as simple as being a result of your diet or lifestyle, or it could be the result of an underlying condition. Either way, it is important to go see a doctor or a...
There are several different medications available to help treat constipation. Over-the-counter methods are available for minor cases. Stronger medications should be prescribed by a doctor or a professional healthcare provider. One of the causes of constipation is a lack of fibre in the diet. In order to treat your...
There is a variety of chronic constipation drugs available to choose from, many of which are available for purchase over the counter. If you require something stronger, talk to your doctor or a personal healthcare provider. He or she will be able to prescribe a medication that would work best...
There are many things that could result in you suffering from chronic constipation. A majority of the time chronic constipation is characterized by a slow bowel movement. Chronic constipation causes may include aspects of your lifestyle or other underlying conditions. Types of Chronic Constipation Causes Chronic constipation causes may include foods...
Constipation is the most common digestive complaint among people in North America. It affects 42 million people in the U.S. annually. Constipation occurs when food waste travels slowly through the digestive system. The water in the stool is then absorbed by the colon and ultimately yields a dry, hard,...
Constipation plagues millions of Americans every single year. When a patient is put on pain medications, more specifically s, the most common side effect is constipation. The reason is that the drug often dehydrates your body and most individuals do not consume enough fluids to replenish the system. That...