Knot under chin

  • What Are The Types Of Lymphoma

    Lymphoma is a form of cancer that attacks the lymphatic system, which is the part of the body that works to fight off diseases. This system includes the lymph nodes, the thymus gland, bone marrow, and the spleen. Lymphoma has the potential to affect all of these components, as well...
  • What Are The Causes of Lymphoma?

    Lymphoma is a type of cancer that results from abnormal growth of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Although scientists know that this change in cell growth is why lymphoma develops, they aren’t yet sure what causes this change to happen in the first place. Researchers believe that...
  • Lymphoma Types in Children

    Lymphoma is a term that refers to a type of cancer that originates in the body’s lymphatic tissues. These include the lymph nodes, lymph vessels, the thymus, the spleen, the tonsils, the adenoids, and bone marrow. Lymphoma is the third most common type of cancer in children, affecting approximately...
  • Overview of Lymphoma

    What is Lymphoma? Lymphoma is a classification of cancer. Cancerous tumors are classified according to the type of cell the tumor originated from. Lymphoma develops from cells that originate in the bone marrow and mature into the various components of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system part of the...
  • Prognosis for Lymphoma

    Lymphoma is a cancer that begins in the lymphatic (immune) system. There are several types of lymphoma, one of the most well-known being Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The other types are often referred to collectively as non-Hodgkin lymphoma. With this condition, a white blood cell forms abnormally, and then makes more copies of itself...
  • What Are The Stages of Lymphoma?

    Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is a part of the immune system. The lymphatic system is made up of the lymph vessels, lymph nodes, the tonsils, adenoids, spleen, and the thymus. The most common type of lymphoma is Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Treatment for this type of...