
  • What Does Your Skin Rash Mean?

    Have you ever experienced skin rashes? If yes, you already know how problematic and painful they can be. But they are not so simple to be ignored. There may be different causes and symptoms related to them. Your skin rash can be one of many types, from scalp psoriasis...
  • 5 Tips To Reduce Bloating

    This time of year when everyone is eating more than usual, bloating can become a problem. Although our digestive system naturally produces gas when pulling all those calories out of our meals, sometimes the gas builds-up in the stomach, instead of being released through flatulence. That can create a...
  • What You Should Do When A Cold Becomes Bronchitis

    It may have started with a cough and a sneeze, but now your chest is heavy and your cold has evolved into bronchitis. What should you do? Does this warrant a doctor’s visit? And, more importantly, can you treat it at home? According to the American Lung Association, acute...
  • Hidden Signs Of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is an emotional instability that includes quick change of temperament conditions. As the name infers, “bi” implies two or double and “polar” indicates extremity. By application, this implies a man with manifestations of bipolar disorder tends to suddenly change polarities from amazing joy down to extreme misery...
  • How Do You Treat Epilepsy?

    Epilepsy is a serious neurological condition in which there are tendencies to have seizures that start in the brain. The cause of epilepsy is  wide and varied. Some are epileptic due to genetics, others may have autism, infections, or even brain structural changes. Many drugs are available in chemists and...
  • A Breast Cancer Symptom That is Scarily Easy to Miss

    About one out of eight American women develop breast cancer at some point in her life. Even faced with such scary statistics, doctors still find it hard to say what exactly causes cancer in a person, how and why it starts. In many cases, the prognosis is optimistic, but...
  • How to Live With And Proactively Manage Your Asthma

    An asthma diagnosis can be limiting and frustrating at times. It may necessitate you to make some adjustments in your lifestyle. Many patients become extremely overwhelmed, and they let the disease control the way they live their lives. With all the advancements in treatment and the free flow of...