
  • What Causes Parkinson’s Disease?

    The world over, Parkinson’s disease has affected many people’s lives in one way or another. Whether it has a stricken a beloved celebrity, a loved one or you yourself, it’s almost certain that you have asked yourself several questions about this debilitating illness, including what causes Parkinson’s disease and...
  • What Is A Stroke?

    A stroke occurs when the brain is said to have stopped functioning. This may be due to a shortage of blood supply to the brain caused by blockage of the artery or when the vessels of blood in the brain rupture depriving the brain cells of oxygen hence the...
  • Is There A Cure For Depression?

    We all know someone who has suffered, or still is suffering from depression. While many underestimate the power of this disease, those who have seen it affect someone they care about will definitely tell you otherwise. Emotional pain is just as real as physical pain and mental health issues...
  • What You Need to Know About Schizophrenia

    Among psychiatric illnesses, Schizophrenia presents the most interesting of diagnosis. Patients with schizophrenia cannot comprehend reality in the same way other people do. Their ability to perceive reality is distracted by repetitive hallucinations, coupled with disorganized thoughts and talk. Also, individuals are incapable of relating to society in conventional...