
  • Your Guide To Metastatic Melanoma

    Metastatic melanoma is a form of skin cancer. There are various types of skin cancer, but melanoma is the most severe. Melanoma can spread very fast to other parts of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to visit an oncologist detect and treat melanoma during its early stages. Most...
  • Understanding Vertigo and How to Treat It

    What is Vertigo? Vertigo is far more than just feeling dizzy. It is an extreme perception of the world spinning like a top. It is the world spinning around you as you yourself feel like you are spinning or the ground beneath your feet moving at a different speed...
  • Diabetes and Your Feet

    According to the CDC, an astounding 29 million people across the United States suffer from diabetes, and another 86 million suffer from pre-diabetes. In Canada, over 3.4 million are affected by the disease. To make things worse, hundreds of millions in healthcare costs accrue each year as a result...