
  • Why Do Women Suffer From PTSD More Than Men?

    According to a review of more than 25 years of research reported in the November issue of Psychological Bulletin (which is published by the APA, American Psychological Association), males normally experience more traumatic events on average as compared to the females yet females are likely to meet the diagnostic...
  • Is Your Birth Control Affecting Your Overall Mental Health?

    In today’s world, the usage of birth control methods is at an all time high. However, according to the research conducted by neuro-scientists at UCLA, the usage of oral contraception cam lead to the shrinking of some parts of the brain resulting in depression. You might not be aware that...
  • 9 Things That Are Increasing Your Risk Of Early Menopause, POSTMENOPAUSAL BLEEDING, vaginal dryness, menstrual cycles

    Menopause: What You Need to Know

    Medical professionals have all come to realize one thing. That is, that there are approximately thirty-seven menopause indicators. These indicators could be anything from an easy-to-miss and mild indicator, right through to a very major disruption to your way of life. Most people who have a high chance of...
  • What Are the Best Treatments for Acne?

    When it comes to acne, there is no simple answer. While one treatment may work for one person it may do nothing for another. Unfortunately that is not an answer so what we’ve done is put together several different treatment options that are available to people who are suffering...
  • Postpartum Depression Explained

    Postpartum depression is a medical condition that mainly exists in women and has a very low frequency of occurrence in men. This is a clinical depression that mainly occurs after childbirth. The condition mainly exhibits emotional symptoms in the victims. It mainly begins in the initial months after a...
  • 9 Things That are Increasing Your Risk of Early Menopause

    There is no crystal ball or DNA test to predict when menopause will hit, though your best bet would be to look at exactly when your mother or older sisters first experienced their own menopause. “Family history is often the best predictor,” states Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical doctor...