credit repair

  • What do Credit Repair Companies do?

    Studies have recently shown that 56% of consumers have bad credit. If you’re part of the 56%, there’s help available. It can be hard to improve your credit on your own, but thankfully, some companies can help repair your credit. Before you decide to hire a credit repair company...
  • 7 Ways To Spot A Credit Repair Scam

    So you’ve decided to buckle up and set to repairing your credit. You’re looking forward to the easier life that comes with having a good credit score. You’re ready to dedicate yourself to wiping your credit report free of past mistakes and misinformation. But don’t let your eagerness blind...
  • Credit Repair Checklist

    So you’re determined to fix your credit. Good for you! A better life lies within your reach. Follow this easy-to-understand checklist to help guide you on your journey towards a high credit score. Step 1: Get a copy of your credit report The first and most important step to...
  • 3 Ways to Improve your Credit Score Before Applying for your Mortgage

    If you are interested in purchasing a home, ideally you should begin your quest to improve your credit rating at least 6 months before applying for a home loan. It takes time to make any headway on a poor or average credit score. Even 6 months might not even...
  • Who are the Best Credit Repair Companies?

    A good credit repair company may seem difficult to find, but some agencies stand out among the rest. If you’re looking for assistance in fixing your credit, here are the best credit repair companies in business today. Lexington Law Lexington Law has maintained an A rating with the Better...