Basic Facts On Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is an infection of genital herpes simplex virus (HSV).[1] most people either have no symptoms or have mild symptoms and do not know they are infected.[1] when symptoms appear, they usually include small blisters that rupture and form painful ulcers.[1] type I flu symptoms can also occur.[2] the onset is usually about 4 days after exposure lasts for 4 weeks.Once infected, further outbreaks may occur, but they are usually mil.

The disease is usually transmitted through direct contact with the skin surface or through the secretions of infected people.This can happen in sexual behavior, including oral sex. active sores do not need to be transmitted. HSV is divided into hsv-1 and hsv-2.Although historically caused mainly by hsv-2, genital hsv-1 has become more common in developed countries.Pathological changes can be diagnosed by PCR or blood test of virus culture or specific antibodies.

Prevention measures include not having sex, using condoms, and only having sex with people who are not infected. Once infected, there is no cure.However, [2] antiviral drugs can prevent or shorten outbreaks.Long-term use of antiviral drugs may also reduce the risk of further spread.

In men, the lesions occur in the glans, penis axis or other parts of the genitalia, inner thighs, hips or anus.The vulva, clitoris or vulva, buttocks, or other parts of the anus are affected.

Other common symptoms include pain, itching and burning.Less common symptoms include penile or vaginal secretions, fever, headache, muscle pain (muscle pain), enlarged and enlarged lymph nodes and discomfort.[6] type I women usually develop other symptoms, including pain in urination (difficulty urinating) and cervicitis.Herpes simplex proctitis (inflammation of the anus and rectum) is common in people who engage in anal sex.

Two to three weeks later, the existing lesions develop into ulcers, and then scab and heal, although lesions on the mucosal surface may never form rare cases, involving the sacral spinal cord area can lead to acute urinary retention, unilateral symptoms and myelitis (as osteomyelitis and combined radiation) signs: pain, feeling lost, abnormal (paresthesia), and rash.historically, this has been called ellsberg’s syndrome, although the entity has no clear definition.

Most people with genital herpes have no symptoms or very mild symptoms.You may not notice minor symptoms, or you may mistake them for another skin condition, such as pimples or endophytic hair.That’s why most people with herpes don’t know.

Herpes usually occurs in one or more blisters around the genitals, rectum, or mouth.Blisters rupture and leave painful ulcers that may take a week or more to heal.These symptoms are sometimes called “outbreaks”.When a person has a flu outbreak for the first time, he may also have flu-like symptoms, such as fever, physical pain or swollen glands.

People with a first herpes outbreak can have repeated attacks, especially if they are infected with hsv-2.Repeated outbreaks are usually shorter and less severe than the first.Although infection stays in your body for the rest of your life, the number of infections may decrease over time.If you notice these symptoms, or if your partner has an STD or STD, you should be examined by your doctor.

Posted on May 22, 2023