Laxative For Opiate Constipation

Constipation plagues millions of Americans every single year. When a patient is put on pain medications, more specifically s, the most common side effect is constipation. The reason is that the drug often dehydrates your body and most individuals do not consume enough fluids to replenish the system. That is why most patients often complain of ‘dry mouth’ when taking this set of drugs.

Changes to your diet and consuming more fluids may help, but some people taking s will need additional treatment to keep their bowel movements regular. Laxative for opiate constipation is a common solution.


Laxatives are usually the first things that your physician will recommend. As most want you to try less radical approaches before having to take more medications. If conventional diet changes and an increase of fluids won’t help, it is time to consult your doctor. Doctors may even suggest taking laxatives before a problem even arises, just to stay on the safe side.

Laxatives make the hard and dry stool easier to pass out of the body. These stool softeners can be purchased over the counter and work to help push your stools out. It is recommended that you consult your doctor or pharmacist on the over-the-counter laxative that may be best for you. They will advise on your course of treatment.

Depending on the severity of the case or the person, results can vary. Usually, laxatives start working after just a few hours. However, for those suffering from chronic constipation, it can take a few days to kick in. It also depends on the type of stool softener or laxative you use. Some can be stronger than others but you should always take the advice of your physician or pharmacist.

More fluids and changes in diet are still necessary to treat this condition, on top of stool softeners. A person should drink 8 cups of water a day or at least 2 Liters.


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Posted on May 22, 2023