Have you realized some items are in high demand at the food bank? Well, you may not because they are not essential, and the staff does not publicly ask for them. Since the season of giving is over, food banks keep on working year-round and their need is endless. According to a survey on Reddit.com, there are many items that food banks need most, but they are not asking for them. However, if you want to help out, this article will exclusively explore on what food banks need most, and you can pick some of them to make a food bank donation.
1. Feminine products
Women need these items despite the fact that they cannot afford them because nothing can stop nature from happening. However, consider purchasing items like panty liners, tampons, and pants in bulk at Costco and you will make many women very happy.
2. Toiletries
When it comes to donating surplus or unsold food, grocery stores are very great at doing that, but they do not cover some things such as toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and deodorant. However, think about how precious these items are when someone needs them.
3. Baby toiletries
The truth is babies will always be babies, and they need some things like food, soap, shampoo, wipes, diapers, formula, bottle and many more.
4. Socks
Socks play a significant role in everyone’s life because they keep us warm, make us feel we have something new and comfort us. As a result, donating them can mean the world to someone who does not have a pair.
5. Crackers and tortillas
These items last for months, and they do not spoil. In fact, almost everyone likes them. Besides, who does not love Wheat Thins? They keep well for they are delicious.
6. Chocolate
Although chocolate is not essential to our survival, just think about giving a chocolate bar or brownie mix to someone in need, and it would mean the world to him or her.
7. Spices
Do you know people who depend on help from food bank eat a lot of canned food, white bread, oatmeal, rice, and many more? So think about it because they do love spices. Besides, food banks get many non-perishable food items, and spices could bring them back to life. You can consider spices such as basil, oregano, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin, chili powder, cayenne pepper, or seasoned salt.
8. Canned meats and jerky
Some food banks try to give users sufficient protein even if there is less. For that reason, just think about how protein is essential for human growth and go for products pack that will not spoil.
9. Soup packets
Are you worried what to make with instant potatoes, beans, rice, and cans of vegetables? Then heart soup is a complete meal for people in need. It will warm them up with the high nutrients and flavor.
10. Canned fruits other than pineapple
Make sure you do donate pineapple alone because food banks get a lot of them donated. However, consider mixing it up with other kinds of fruits such as cherries, peaches, pears and anything else that has a good taste.
Moreover, do not forget that food banks love donations of cash because they can just go and buy whatever they need.
Sourced from: Kord
Photo by: Glossopdale Food Bank / CC by